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Winter & Madiba Magic Month – Novalis Second Quarter 2018 e-Pollen

Winter & Madiba Magic Month – Novalis Second Quarter 2018 e-Pollen

Aloes 2018

“Overcoming poverty is not just a task of charity, it is an act of justice. The protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.”  Nelson Mandela                          

As our President works around the clock to ensure a stable state of ship, there is a rumble in the underbelly of the communities that have suffered for too long, under poverty, lack of service delivery, weak education, and crime gone rampant.

During the recent Novalis Y-Elders programme, it was noted that more needs to be done to ensure that our youth stay on a positive trajectory in their lives, greater Presence, resilience and leadership required from Elders in the communities that we serve.

This morning, the Gugulethu Fire Station was burnt by disgruntled community members, roads were closed, and the ‘winter games’ have begun as a start to the 2019 elections gear up for another round of empty promises and missed opportunities to get South Africa right – how may be best bring forth the Madiba Magic that brought the kind of inflection needed for a flourishing future for our Country?

Thank goodness we had some celebrations in the sports arena, congratulations to Kevin Anderson for lifting SA Brand to heights winning the world tennis match against Federa,

Our dams in the Western Cape are filling up making the watermark higher than last year this time. We encourage each other to keep up the discipline of intelligent use of our water resource as we understand the longer term global warming cycle we are in.

Closer to home at Novalis Ubuntu, we are well at work with our regular events and business.   Our new business plan is well on its way to change the trajectory of Novalis for coming four years.  Thozi is in Gauteng addressing parents on holistic education of their children.   Zephne has stepped forward expanding her work to include the new project, Link Up Magazine, an opportunity to foster further links with the consciousness, interfaith and holistic community.

Mzwandile has been working with the Department of Arts and Culture, sharing Novalis Magic creating a greater ambit for social cohesion, and the Centre continues to provide a safe and condusive environment for learning and teaching in many diverse peoples and levels.    Zakheni celebrated the end of their Hanover Park project with high school learners, and Bonfire, was a hit during the International InterFaith Indaba held in April.    Tracy hosts Pulse evenings on a Sunday evening for youth working in the Arts, and the 2ndHand Market is thriving.

Our new care taker, Collin Mukwelle has taken up his post in an remarkable way and is seen and enjoyed by everyone who comes here.

We celebrate as we publish this newsletter, the splendid visit and lecture of  Barak Obama at the recent Mandela Centenary Lecture 16 – giving all South Africans a little hope for a better future going forward.   We are grateful for the ancestoral lecacy of Madiba and Mama Albertina Sisulu.

Thank you for your living support in so many diverse ways,  in assisting us to contribute towards uplifting poverty, consciousness and,‘the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.”

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